Taipei, Taiwan – October 23rd, 2017 —ALi Corporation, a leading innovator and developer of set-top box (STB) chipsets, and Skardin, a leading STB manufacturing company, jointly announced their further cooperation to expand their spectrums in ecosystem-ready solutions. Both ALi and Skardin have long footprints of collaborations in developing ecosystem-ready solutions that have been deployed in various regions worldwide, by integrating the know-how from both parties. With the upcoming demands in TV-viewing, both are continuing and furthering their cooperation to expand PayTV solution portfolio across FHD to UHD.


Besides the long cooperation history between ALi and Skardin, the next-milestone cooperation is formed to respond to the rising demands of high-definition and high-security viewing experience towards the emerging markets. As usual, ALi will launch its next-generation FHD/UHD chipset family, certified by mainstream CAS vendors, such as Verimatrix, to meet rising demands of 4K, which requires Ultra Security. On the other hand, Skardin will not only contribute its set-top box manufacturing capability, but also expand its value-added software. Once the chipset and the STB are successful integrated, both ALi and Skardin will launch the next-generation security set-top box with enhanced viewing experience.


“ALi and Skardin have proven records of joint efforts, and this time we are expanding our portfolio to meet the new demands in the market. Skardin’s hardware know-how and value-added software have been an integral part and I believe our next-generation FHD/UHD security chipsets will be well-integrated with Skardin’s new security set-top box”, said Tony Chang, COO of ALi Corporation.

“Our ODM capability and the wide SoC portfolio by ALi have enabled us to further penetrate the markets worldwide. Skardin has proven history in manufacturing and the development of value-added software. We are confident that we will have wider joint spectrums to meet the demands of operators in global markets”, said Armando Caltabiano, CEO of Skardin.



Skardin is a leading Consumer Electronics Manufacturing Company specializing in the supply of Set Top Box & Broadband industry solutions for the last 35 years. We are continuously investing and renewing our capabilities to provide new cutting edge products in advance networking and smart home platforms.


Thanks to the long market history and strong partnership with all major industry players (CPU, CAS, DRM, SW, MW), we are providing our customers with the best quality product and solutions.

Skardin is a vertical integrated manufacturer with it’s own Factory, a strong portfolio of products and an “ahead-of–time-to-market” R&D approach to shorten delivery cycles.

Skardin is bringing the best of Asia and Europe with its experienced executive team supported by an international and professional group of top managers from Europe & Asia, leading the best engineering and project teams.

We are one of the few companies that own the export licenses granted by the Chinese government to export DTH decoder from China.


More info at


Skardin media contact

+44 75 00803243


About ALi

ALi Corporation is a leading innovator and developer in the set-top box (STB) system-on-chip (SoC) market. By fully leveraging its core expertise in the set-top box industry, ALi Corp.’s solutions are recognized for their high levels of integration, superior performance reliability, premier customer oriented service and compelling cost structure. Hundreds of Pay TV operators have adopted ALi Corp.’s solutions worldwide. ALi Corp. was founded in 1987 with headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, R&D centers as well as sales offices in Hsinchu, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Geneva, Seoul, and New Delhi, and technical support teams throughout Asia. For more information, please visit


ALi Corp. media contact

Mavis Wu

+886 (0)2-8752-2000

法國蒙佩利爾、台北– September 11, 2017 – 創新音樂娛樂平台提供者 Voxtok 宣布, 機上盒與寬頻產品等消費性電子領導者Skardin 已加入 平台生態系並採用Voxkok新創的Smart Sound Bar製造新一代的機上盒。Smart Sound Bar為新的連網音頻裝置可整合電視與音樂。 Skardin 的新產品線也是第一批由揚智機上盒晶片為核心的系列。

Smart Sound Bar 混合了機上盒與多房sound bar的功能性, 展現出無縫接軌的軟硬體整合。 新的smart sound bar 也是第一批音頻產品由Skardin和Voxtok 共同開發,並以揚智高效能架構晶片為核心 。新的平台將以小而美的型態提供使用者獨特且豐富的體驗。

Alessandro Bassi, CMO of Skardin 表示, “電視與音頻的融合一直是Skardin的信念,我們致力於投資與創新的電視與音頻方案。我們非常高興這第一次和Voxtok以及揚智的合作方案,促成我們新一代的All-in-One Multi Tuners 和多房的Hybrid Sound Base 產品” 。

Joel Reboul, CEO of Voxtok強調,“Voxtok 非常投入於電視,影像與音樂的智慧融合. 我們沿用了我們在業界的經驗與技術在電視與音頻的市場帶來許多突破性的方案。 我們很榮幸能參與Smart Sound Bar, 這是與Skardin 和揚智在專業上的一次完美結合。 我們產出了精巧和符合成本效益的裝置提供使用者跨內容的體驗”。

Voxtok, Skardin與揚智在產品開發共同合作。 Skardin 提供機上盒主板和韌體, 揚智提供晶片與軟體開發包, Voxtok運用Voxtok.music強化了新的電視/音頻混合裝置。

揚智執行長黃學偉表示, “新的smart sound bar 象徵了真正的多媒體創新以及Voxtok, Skardin和揚智策略結盟。 揚智的SoC 專業技術可提供我們的策略夥伴Skardin在音頻產品的多功能性的開發得到完整的支援, 也同時感謝和 的預先整合。 Voxtok的音樂平台是一個有效的解決方案,可輕易的提供高水準的音樂服務” 。

Voxtok.music是一穩定的, 完整的和先進的音樂雲端平台, 為電視與音頻市場提供了音樂相關的內容, 應用與整合的服務。 是為了符合電視產業規範而設計提供營運商和製造商一個直接且端對端的多房控制音樂方案。Smart Sound Bar 是為了結合多房音樂和電視而採取了未曾有過的創新設計。三方的整合方案將在IBC2017(Hall 14P16-18) 於阿姆斯特丹展出。


About ALi Corporation



About Voxtok

Voxtok提供音頻與視頻消費市場絕佳的音樂饗宴,基於其音頻娛樂套件Voxtok Music,Voxtok設計一系列目標涵蓋高端至大眾市場的現代化音頻方案,供應給運營商及製造商,形成一條名符其實的音頻產業鏈,結合內容與服務、產品與技術。

Voxtok被譽為一家創新的音頻公司,詳情請參考本篇頌揚法國高清音頻巨擘的文章« Hommage aux Maîtres Français du son haute définition, De Georges CABASSE à Jean-Michel JARRE »。


Voxtok在法國與台灣設有營運中心,更多訊息,請參考www.voxtok.com或關注@voxtok, Facebook及LinkedIn。媒體連繫:


About 致振企業

致振企業在通訊領域產業上,長年專精於數位機上盒(機頂盒)的設計與製造的領導企業;公司成立於1982年,上櫃公司代號3466。 致振企業在地埋位置交通方便,總公司位於新北市三重區,離先嗇宮捷運站只需10分鐘的腳程。 除了新北市的總公司外,致振在其他國家皆有辨公室:如高雄、倫敦、米蘭、北京、深圳、聖保羅等地;也同時擁有2個工廠位於中國大陸深圳,深具規格。 相信您一定會喜歡並享受與不同文化背景的同事合作,這將是個很棒的經驗交流。 致振企業擁有眾多核心技能來開發客制化的硬體設計,並藉由整合眾多國際營運商的專業,提供更加完整的解決方案及生產製造服務等一條龍服務。 在持續擴展公司產品種類:如衛星盒、地面盒、有線盒及網路盒及衝刺企業營收的同時,我們更歡迎有能力及願意一起合作的團隊夥伴們



+(886) 2-8752-2000



+33 671 560 757



+44 75 0080 3243


Taipei, Taiwan – September 5th, 2017 —全球機上盒晶片領導廠商揚智科技與全球數位電視服務領導者Mirada 今日宣布成為策略夥伴。 Mirada的Iris TV Everywhere 多螢幕,端到端軟體方案預先整合至揚智機上盒晶片。 揚智與Mirada 的策略結盟將整合高效能晶片與先進的端至端多螢幕軟體以提供市場無縫接軌的整合平台,協助營運商縮短導入的時程並且支援所有使用者的裝置。

Mirada Iris 為一端到端 TV Everywhere 產品可協助TV營運商透過任何網路平台如DVB、 DTH、 IPTV和OTT刊登與推廣他們的內容。 Mirada Iris 透過快速的前後端整合提供快速且強大的Inspire 使用者介面 (UI) 來提升使用者的體驗和参與感。Mirada 服務平台支援廣大的硬體裝置 使用者可透過機上盒、 智慧手機、 平板或電腦進入所有優質服務、 如Video-on-Demand (視頻點播) 、 Catch up TV (電視節目重溫) 、 Virtual Channels (虛擬頻道) 、 Start-over、 Timeshift (時間平移) 、 Download & Play (下載即播放) 和其他許多功能。 與揚智的策略聯盟得到了晶片know-how, Mirada 對於最新的Iris 方案有著高度的信心” 。

Mirada 執行長José Luis Vázquez 表示, “我們對於Mirada Iris 與揚智晶片的整合感到非常振奮。 Mirada 端到端多螢幕軟體方案在此結盟中從揚智的統一化AUI介面, 3D技術和高效能架構得到很大的強化, 我們期待提供觀眾輕鬆取得的高質感體驗並且幫助電視營運商縮短他們導入的時間” 。

揚智營運長Tony張立中表示, “本次策略結盟對於揚智和Mirada 是雙贏局面, 如同兩大領域的Pay TV專家合作開發新的商機。 揚智的統一化AUI和高效能晶片與Mirada端到端多螢幕軟體的結合會產生新的市場機會。 我們對於本次結合非常有信心能夠帶動整個生態系,並將共同開發的混合式方案將提供更高的觀賞體驗和大大縮短的導入時程” 。

雙方現階段的預先整合方案將於 IBC2017 阿姆斯特丹展出:

揚智展位位置ALi Balcony Suite Hall 1, 2F BS18-BS19

Mirada 展位位置 Hall 5, stand A63 

About ALi Corporation


About Mirada

Mirada 為全球領導數位電視營運商。 擁有17年業界經驗, Mirada 技術核心專注於不斷成長的TV Everywhere, 提供完整的端到端產品支援多種裝置, 讓使用者享受到創新高質感的使用者介面。在Non-Executive Chairman Javier Casanueva 和 Group CEO José Luis Vázquez 領導下, Mirada 已成功導入自身研發技術在全球最大電視平台, 如Telefonica、 Sky、 Virgin Media、 BBC、 ITV 和最大的西班牙語系國家媒體公司 Televisa Group。 如需更多資訊, 請參照官網


Jenny Lin
+(886) 2-8752-2000


Roszana Dalati (Head of Marketing)
+(34) 917-616-400

IBC 2017
Sep. 15-19 2017, Amsterdam RAI


Join us for innovative digital entertainment


Dear Customers and Partners, ALi Corporation cordially invites you to join us for an amazing experience of ALi’s latest achievements in digital entertainment at IBC 2016 on September 9-13 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Visit us at our balcony suites BM19 & 20 (Hall 1, 2F) to see how ALi’s cost-effective and high-performance chipsets can assist you in launching innovative products and services with accelerated time-to-market.

See first-hand what ALi has to offer


We will showcase a full spectrum of STB chipsets with a focus on hybrid (DVB+IPTV) and UHD solutions. You will also be able to see live demonstrations of the value-added features enabled on ALi’s latest series of product offerings. ALi’s achievements with ecosystem partners that have been deployed worldwide will also be a highlight of our exhibits.

Reserve Meeting Slot

BROADCAST ASIA 2017, SINGAPORE– May 23, 2017 – Anticipating the upcoming trend in DTV industry, SERAPHIC partners with ALi, a leading innovator and developer of set-top box chipsets, to jointly launch Sraf Lite, a brand new lightweight HTML5 browser, at BroadcastAsia2017, Asia’s largest broadcasting exhibition, on May 23.
Sraf Lite browser is highly optimized for DTV/STB products, with low DDR memory consumption at reduced footprint size,” said Ye, Wang, CEO at SERAPHIC. “The new browser solution presents the optimal fit for OTT operators in emerging markets, such as Southeast Asia, to bring eye-catching and personalized viewing experience for their subscribers.”
Sraf Lite browser leverages the latest HTML5 technologies such as MSE (Media Source Extensions), EME (Encrypted Media Extensions), Web Storage, WebSocket and other web-based elements to run the modern web applications, like YouTube TV certification application. Meanwhile, Sraf Lite enables high-performance UIs to boost up applications on entry-level devices. With modern HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript capabilities and MSS, HLS, and MPEG DASH adaptive streaming support, entry-level devices are capable of running modern OTT services with Sraf Lite browser in the emerging markets.
Wang further commented that“It is a great opportunity to partner with ALi to launch Sraf Lite Browser. The partnership is valuable for OTT operators with multiple advantages. First, operators with limited budget and resources are now able to offer amazing viewing experience at affordable cost with the joint solution of Sraf Lite and the highly-integrated set-top box SoC from ALi. Meanwhile, PC emulator is provided so that the operators can develop their own OTT Web application easily.” 
“We are looking forward to launching Sraf Lite Browser on ALi’s mainstream STB chipsets. As anticipated, DTV transition has been sweeping around the world, while OTT operators, especially those in emerging markets, are faced with challenges of integrating strong browser support.” said Tony Chang, Chief Operating Officer at ALi Corp.

Both SERAPHIC and ALi will showcase their latest solutions at BroadcastAsia 2017

SERAPHIC: Booth 4D3-06, TV Everywhere Zone Level 4 at SUNTEC

ALi Corp: Booth 4B2-01, TV Everywhere Zone Level 4 at SUNTEC



SERAPHIC Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is dedicated to providing internet-related software and web-based solutions to all those TV-/Video-related terminal devices including Smart TVs, set-top boxes, over-the-top devices, game consoles, etc. SERAPHIC’s product offering includes TV Browser for HTML5, HbbTV, Freeview Play, YouTube TV, TV Portal and Open Browser as well as Web TV solution. The company is located in Shanghai, China and targets at digital TV and consumer electronics markets in Europe, Latin America, AustrALia and Asia Pacific. For more information about SERAPHIC, please visit or send an email to

About ALi Corporation

ALi Corporation is a leading innovator and developer in the set-top box (STB) system-on-chip (SoC) market. By fully leveraging its core expertise in the set-top box industry, ALi Corp.’s solutions are recognized for their high levels of integration, superior performance reliability, premier customer oriented service and compelling cost structure. Hundreds of Pay TV operators have adopted ALi Corp.’s solutions worldwide. ALi Corp. was founded in 1987 with headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, R&D centers as well as sales offices in Hsinchu, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Geneva, Seoul, and Noida, and technical support teams throughout Asia. For more information, please visit


Media Contact: 

Sarah Wang 王琨

SERAPHIC Information Technology

+86 21 3535 7800 -120


Jenny Lin

ALi Corp. 

+886 2 8752 2000 

Integrated OTT Platform Shortens Time to Market, Provides Competitive Advantage for Set-Top Box OEMs

BROADCAST ASIA 2017, SINGAPORE– May 22, 2017 – Opera TV, the market leader in enabling OTT, and ALi Corporation, a leading Set-Top Box (STB) chipset provider, today announced the integration of Opera TV’s solution into ALi Corp.’s System-on-Chip (SoC) based Set-Top Boxes (STB). This market-ready solution enables STB manufacturers and Pay TV Operators the opportunity to deliver consumers with immediate access to premium OTT content through an engaging viewing experience directly from their STB device. 

“With a sharp focus on minimizing time-to-market for Pay TV Operators to enable OTT in the homes of the consumers, we’re excited to announce our collaboration with ALi . ,” said Aneesh Rajaram, CEO of Opera TV. “Our engineering teams have combined fluently, bringing to market a fully capable OTT platform that now empowers operators to fulfill their consumer agenda by integrating a premium OTT experience within their own offering.”  

Today’s consumers expect easy and effortless access to OTT content from the devices and services they already have within their homes. ALi Corp. is a leading innovator and developer in the set-top box (STB) system-on-chip (SoC) market. By fully leveraging its core expertise in the set-top box industry, ALi Corp.’s solutions are recognized for their high levels of integration, superior performance reliability, premier customer-oriented service and compelling cost structure. Hundreds of Pay TV operators have adopted ALi Corp.’s solutions worldwide. ALi Corp.’s SoC for STBs with Opera TV’s product portfolio now delivers an all-in-one, modular solution for OTT integration, reducing cost and time-to-market.

ALi Corp. SoCs for STBs are ready to integrate with Opera TV’s latest complete suite of OTT-enabling products that support advanced UI rendering, HbbTV capabilities, a media streaming module with support for all popular adaptive streaming formats used in OTT, as well as an HTML5-based application platform providing tailored and engaging OTT viewing experiences. This ultimately allows ALi Corp.’s customers to effortlessly integrate over 1000 OTT apps into their own UI’s or using Opera TV’s UI, significantly reducing time to market.

“By providing an integrated solution we can make sure that consumers have access to the experience they want, while making it easier to for STB manufacturers and service providers to enter this fast evolving market,” said Tony Chang, Chief Operating Officer at ALi Corp. “Opera TV is known for the maturity, reliability and depth of their solution, thus a good partner for ALi. They work across a variety of device ecosystems seamlessly and make deployments easy.”

The Opera TV ecosystem is the world’s largest unified platform for connected TV devices spanning more than 40 million devices shipped each year. Opera TV solutions include Opera TV 2.0, a next-generation OTT platform; Opera TV Snap 3.0, a complete end-to-end OTT app generator for broadcaster, content providers, and video on demand (VOD) services; Opera TV SDK, a platform for creating and rendering HTML5-based and video-centric user interfaces; and the Opera TV Store, an OTT experience for consumers. Unlike individual OEM or operator platforms, the Opera TV platform evolves quickly to keep pace with market requirements, supporting the complex needs of demanding OTT services.

 About Opera TV

Opera TV is the market leader in enabling the TV industry’s transition to OTT. The Opera TV portfolio powers rich web experiences on tens of millions of devices each year, including Smart TVs, set-top boxes, Blu-ray Disc players, Game Consoles and chipsets for more than 60 customers. The Opera TV ecosystem spans the Opera TV Store app platform with over a thousand entertaining apps tailor-made for TV, the Opera Devices SDK (software development kit) for creating and rendering HTML5-based user interfaces including optional modules to enable HbbTV, the Opera Media Streaming Module, to manage the rapidly changing global OTT streaming requirements, and the Opera TV browser for browsing the full web on TV. Opera TV offers solutions for OEMs, pay-TV operators, broadcasters and content publishers. Visit to learn more.

About ALi Corporation

ALi Corporation is a leading innovator and developer in the set-top box (STB) system-on-chip (SoC) market. By fully leveraging its core expertise in the set-top box industry, ALi Corp.’s solutions are recognized for their high levels of integration, superior performance reliability, premier customer oriented service and compelling cost structure. Hundreds of Pay TV operators have adopted ALi Corp.’s solutions worldwide. ALi Corp. was founded in 1987 with headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, R&D centers as well as sales offices in Hsinchu, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Geneva, Seoul, and Noida, and technical support teams throughout Asia. For more information, please visit



Media Contact: 

Lisette Rauwendaal

McGrath/Power Public Relations for Opera TV 

+1 (408) 727-0351 


Jenny Lin

ALi Corp. 

+886 2 8752 2000 


Broadcast Asia 2017, SUNTECH Singapore
May 23-25 2017, TV Everywhere Zone @ Level 4 , Booth #4B2-01


Join us for innovative digital entertainment


At BCA 2017, ALi will present a full spectrum of PayTV STB chipset solutions ranged from cost-effective zapper to value-added hybrid. We are honored to present to you our latest achievements. Please visit ALi's booth or send a meeting request to your ALi contacts or

首爾‧大韓民國 & 台北‧台灣 – March 27th, 2017 —機上盒(Set-Top Box)晶片領導廠商揚智科技與多螢幕互動電視平台開發商Alticast今日宣布雙方合作推出軟硬體整合計畫,將Alticast互動性“端到端”的架構整合至揚智STB晶片。此跨生態系合作計畫旨在為市場提供由混合式框架的中介軟體和高效能的STB晶片組成的無縫整合平台,以應變不斷變化的電視市場需求提供上市的建置加速,性能提升和加值服務。

Alticast為一跨國軟硬體架構領導開發商,致力於多螢幕互動TV解決方案。Alticast開發獨立於晶片組的機上盒軟體提供觀眾互動與個人化的元素。因為用戶對於電視觀看的享受不斷改變,Alticast 持續開發更多軟體功能,包含跨平台服務、迅速上市框架、和混合式的特色功能以豐富用戶的體驗。另一方面,揚智提供涵蓋面廣的高效能並符合成本效益的STB晶片,同時整合使用者友善移植介面於系統單晶片SoC。揚智與Alticast的平台整合案將會是雙贏局面以滿足未來Pay TV的成長。


揚智科技營運長張立中表示“這次的軟硬體整合合作對Alticast和揚智科技是雙贏局面, 雙方的整合也意指Alticast中間件與揚智SoC硬體的相容性驗證。雙方推出的整合性解決方案將是可應用在生態系迅速上市的佈署加速,節省開發成本,提升彈性與豐富用戶體驗。Alticast 與揚智科技的合作將幫助雙方生態系上的夥伴們加速上市的開發並利用豐富功能性的架構提升數位電視體驗。”


About ALi Corporation



About Alticast

Alticast用安全的方式帶來令人驚艷的個人化與互動式內容透過廣播,寬頻與行動平台提供給超過四千六百萬台裝置。Alticast為座落於南韓首爾的上市公司,並且有分公司於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,科羅拉多州布隆菲和越南河內市。如想了解更多,請參照,我們的部落格 Alticast’s blog TV-ready 論壇


Jenny Lin
+(886) 2-8752-2000



Jill O’Toole


NAB Show 2017, Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC), Las Vegas, NV USA

April 24-27 2017, South Hall , #SU11624MR


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At NAB Show 2017, ALi will present a full spectrum of PayTV STB chipset solutions ranged from cost-effective zapper to value-added hybrid. We are honored to present to you our latest achievements. Please visit ALi's booth or send a meeting request to your ALi contacts or

台北,諾伊達 和新德里 – 2017年2月9日 –機上盒(Set-Top Box)晶片領導廠商揚智科技與亞洲最大的衛星直播電視(DTH)業者DishTV將共同推出Liberty計畫, 加速融合與未來擴展佈局。 Liberty計畫以揚智的尖端精密的系統單晶片(SoC) 技術為基礎來提供新世代的效能,安全,和成本效益來迎合印度市場的高速成長。 此計畫目的在於提升用戶體驗與提供加值服務以利發展DishTV未來的市場與營收。

印度是目前世上用戶量最大的DTH市場。 根據2016的統計報告,印度的用戶量以達約6千5百萬人。 自從DTH服務於2003首度由DishTV在印度市場問世, 市場歷經了多次數位化階段並達到倍數成長。 在第一與第二階段, 印度四都會區: 德里,孟買,清奈,和加爾各答在2012已經數位化。 在第三階段,大多數印度都會區已經數位化達成停播類比訊號 (ASO: Analogue Switch-Off)。 第四階段已經開始起跑,DTH業者期盼將非都會區的住戶導入數位化進而整個國家進入數位廣播世代。 在業者間的競爭中,晶片技術在提供加值服務與內容安全性扮演了極為重要的角色,並且是擴大用戶群和提升觀賞體驗的關鍵。

DishTV 營運長 VP Gupta 表示, “在2016,DishTV服務了超過1千四百萬用戶,在印度市場處於領先地位。 為了維持市場領導地位和未來市場機會,我們採用了揚智的系統單晶片(SoC)方案作為Liberty計畫的引擎。揚智擁有幫助我們達成Liberty計畫精神的專業”

揚智科技營運長張立中表示“身為全球排名前三名的領導廠商,揚智長期提供具備高性能與競爭力的晶片方案,成績卓越;面對近期產業競局的重新洗牌,我們將瞄準機會、逐步提升自身的市場地位。 DishTV採用揚智晶片部署印度市場,再次證明揚智的技術在全球上的成就以及肯定, 我們堅信DishTV與揚智的合作將持續帶給印度民眾創新的服務及先進的功能,揚智也將全力支持DishTV擴展事業版圖。”


About Dish TV

DishTV為亞洲最大的衛星電視(DTH)運營商,隸屬印度第一大媒體集團Zee Group旗下,現提供超過520個頻道與服務,包含22個音樂頻道和超過50個高清頻道與服務。更多訊息請參考

About ALi Corporation



Jenny Lin
+(886) 2-8752-2000


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揚智科技, ACCESS 與 NetRange聯手將雲端視頻…

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揚智科技將雲端視頻點播 (VOD)帶入智慧機上盒市場

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作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用提供商ACCESS NetRange達成戰略合作。這一合作標誌著機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過將ACCESS NetRange的雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時...

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揚智新一代DVB-S2X/ DVB-C SoC F6P將於2…

07-06-2024 Hits:2668 2024-媒體中心 Mavis - avatar Mavis

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KX Intek and ALi Corporation s…

07-09-2023 Hits:3107 2023-媒體中心 Mavis - avatar Mavis

Taipei, Korea – September 7th , 2023 –KX INTEK, a leading Set Top Box manufacturer with its strong focus on DVB Pay...

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