HEVC Full HD Hybrid Solution with CI/CI+ and Advanced Security Supported
General Description
M3529 is a cost-effective DVB-S2 SoC solution for high definition and high-security set-top boxes. M3529 with dual 32-bit, RISC CPU up to 2000 DMIPS, 256Kb L2 Cache, and features of advanced security engine which has been certificated by major CAS solutions, advanced 2D vector graphic engine, 16bit DDR3 controller, Ethernet, HDMI, USB and high definition video decoder which can support MPEG1/2/4/H.264/HEVC/VC-1/AVS/RV multi-formats.
DVB-S2 SoC full features wth advanced security and ready for HTML5 browser connected capability.
H.265 DVB-S2/S2X Full HD Zapper with Advanced Security
General Description
M3531 is an unprecedented DVB-S2/S2X SoC for high definition and Advanced Security set-top boxes, with neat design basic segment. M3531 has 10/100 Ethernet PHY, with CPU up to 2000 DMIPS, advanced 2D graphic engine, 16bit DDR2/3 controller, HDMI, USB 2.0.
DVB-S2 SoC full features with advanced security and ready for IPTV/OTT connected capability
H.265 DVB-S2/S2X Full HD Zapper with Advanced Security
General Description
M3538 is an unprecedented DVB-S2/S2X SoC for high definition and Advanced Security set-top boxes, with neat design basic segment. M3538 has industrial unique featured TSIO technology, 10/100 Ethernet PHY, with CPU up to 2000 DMIPS, advanced 2D graphic engine, 16bit DDR2/3 controller, HDMI, USB 2.0.
DVB-S2 SoC full features with advanced security and ready for IPTV/OTT connected capability
HEVC DVB-S2 Full HD Hybrid SoC with Advanced Security
General Description
M3528 is a cost-effective DVB-S2 SoC for high definition and high-security set-top boxes. M3528 with dual 32-bit RISC CPU up to 2000 DMIPS, 256Kb L2 Cache, and features of advanced security engine which has been certificated by main CAS, advanced 2D vector graphic engine, 16bit DDR3 controller, Ethernet, HDMI, USB. M3528 has high definition video decoder which can support MPEG1/2/4/H.264/HEVC/VC-1/AVS/RV multi-formats.
DVB-S2 SoC full features with advanced security and ready for HTML5 browser connected capability.
General Description
M3527 is a cost-effective HD HEVC DVB-S2 SoC with advanced security. It supports high performance RISC CPU, 2D vector graphic engine, DDR3, Ethernet, HDMI, USB and HD multi-format video decoder. Its advanced security engine has got the latest certifiactions of major CAS vendors.
HD HEVC DVB-S2 set-top box with advanced security
General Description
M3317 is a cost-effective SD H.264 DVB-S2 SoC with advanced security. It supports high performance RISC CPU, 2D vector graphic engine, DDR3, Ethernet, HDMI, USB and SD multi-format video decoder. Its advanced security engine has got the latest certifiactions of major CAS vendors.
SD H.264 DVB-S2 set-top box with advanced security
20-01-2025 Hits:822 2025-媒體中心 HR
台北,2025年1月20日—— 全球領先的 IC 設計公司揚智科技(3041-TW)與 AI 技術領導者 OSENSE 光禾感知科技宣布展開技術合作,共同推動智慧機上盒的創新發展,為用戶帶來突破性的家庭娛樂體驗。雙方合作將結合揚智科技新一...
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台北,2024年9月26日—— 揚智在2024年1至8月的業績表現亮眼,成長接近兩成,主要受益於新產品推出及國際體育賽事帶來的換機需求,並且印度及巴西政府標案啟動了大規模採購,投資在地市場行銷力度顯現效果, 九月中旬於荷蘭阿姆斯...
Read more19-08-2024 Hits:2070 2024-媒體中心 HR
台北,2024年8月19日—— 揚智科技(Ali Corporation)今日宣布,2024年上半年公司本業表現亮眼,實現17%的成長,主要受益於客戶庫存水位恢復正常以及國際體育賽事帶來的換機需求。此外,運營商訂單能見度增長,帶動機上盒業...
Read more03-07-2024 Hits:1595 2024-媒體中心 HR
作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用供應商ACCESS 與NetRange達成戰略合作。此一合作達成機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過ACCESS 與NetRange雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時操...
Read more07-06-2024 Hits:1715 2024-媒體中心 Mavis
作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用提供商ACCESS NetRange達成戰略合作。這一合作標誌著機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過將ACCESS NetRange的雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時...
Read more07-06-2024 Hits:2745 2024-媒體中心 Mavis
揚智科技宣布新一代 DVB-S2X/ DVB-C STB SoC F6P進入量產,瞄準印度、中東、非洲和南美及拉丁美洲市場。全新F6P SoC配備了最新的S2X衛星解調器,支援高效視訊編碼(HEVC)和以太網,並實現了低功耗和卓越的EMC/...
Read more07-09-2023 Hits:3150 2023-媒體中心 Mavis
Taipei, Korea – September 7th , 2023 –KX INTEK, a leading Set Top Box manufacturer with its strong focus on DVB Pay...
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