ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced its unaudited consolidated revenue for January 2016 reached NT$ 427.3 million, representing a decrease of 3.7% month-over-month but an increase of 10.4% year-over-year. The company saw the yearly revenue growth coming from higher contribution from Pay-TV operator market in emerging countries.
The company has been actively attending global show events including Convergence 2016 in India and 2016 CSTB in Russia showcasing a full lineup of STB chipset solutions, targeting more diversified demand for cable and satellite from Pay-TV operators.
Consolidated Sales Report, Jan 2016 (in NT$1,000)
Item | Jan 2016 | Dec 2015 | Difference | MoM |
Net Sales | 427,323 | 443,603 | (16,280) | (3.7%) |
Item | 2016 | 2015 | Difference | YoY |
Jan | 427,323 | 386,904 | 40,419 | 10.4% |
Jan to Jan | 427,323 | 386,904 | 40,419 | 10.4% |
Note: Figures have not been audited; consolidated entities include ALi Corporation and its subsidiaries.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced its unaudited consolidated revenue for December 2015 reached NT$443.6 million, representing an increase of 27.2% month-over-month and 36.9% year-over-year, respectively. Annual revenue of 2015 was NT$3,631.6 million, down 21.9% from last year.
The company expressed that the revenue in December set a yearly high as a result of strong growth mainly in Pay-TV segment, especially with record-breaking revenue from emerging countries attributing to the company’s continuous cultivation. Meanwhile, the unaudited consolidated sales for the fourth quarter (Oct-Dec) reached NT$1,110.9 million, representing an increase of 16.7% quarter-over-quarter and the highest quarterly sales in the year 2015.
The company is currently showcasing a series of chipsets for set-top boxes including Cable, Satellite, Terrestrial, Hybrid, as well as HEVC-enabled SoC and solutions partnered with Zappware and NexGuard at CES 2016 taking place on January 6 to 9 in Las Vegas, NV, leveraging operators, service providers and ODM capabilities to maximize the opportunities.
Consolidated Sales Report,Dec 2015 (in NT$1,000)
Item | Dec 2015 | Nov 2015 | Difference | MoM |
Net Sales | 443,603 | 348,781 | 94,822 | 27.2% |
Item | 2015 | 2014 | Difference | YoY |
Dec | 443,603 | 324,083 | 119,520 | 36.9% |
Jan to Dec | 3,631,593 | 4,647,395 | (1,015,802) | (21.9%) |
Note: Figures have not been audited; consolidated entities include ALi Corporation and its subsidiaries.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced its unaudited consolidated revenue for November 2015 reached NT$348.8 million, representing an increase of 9.5% month-over-month but a decrease of 15.2% year-over-year, respectively. Aggregate revenue from January to November of 2015 was NT$3,188.0 million, down 26.3% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the approximately 10% month-over-month increase of November revenue mainly came from Pay-TV segment’s contribution with strong demand from emerging countries as a result of the company’s continuous cultivation, while the retail STB market gradually entered the traditional off-season.
Nov 2015
Oct 2015
Net Sales
Jan to Nov
ALi Corporation (3041TT) today held its 2015 third quarter online earnings conference and announced consolidated revenue of NT$952 million, consolidated gross profit of NT$405 million with consolidated gross profit margin of 43%, consolidated operating loss of NT$39 million, net profit of NT$31 million, and basic earnings per share of NT$0.11 for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2015.
ALi Corporation stated that third quarter revenue representing an increase of 45% quarter-over-quarter was mainly due to seasonal demand for most retail products. Furthermore, Pay-TV operator segment also showed better performance compared to previous quarter. Although the third quarter revenue of 2015 decreased year-over-year due to slow global demand, the company still sees growth momentum in Pay-TV operator segment in emerging countries. Consolidated gross profit margin was 43%, up 4 percentage points compared to the level of previous quarter. Consolidated operating expenses increased 5% quarter-over-quarter, primarily for higher research and development (R&D) investments and sales and marketing expenses. The bottomline turned profitable thanks to foreign exchange gain, despite some operating loss.
Product segments categorized into retail STB, Pay-TV operator STB and others (Non-STB) accounted for 55~60%, 30~35% and 5~10% of the total consolidated revenue respectively.
Today the board appointed Mr. Daniel Huang, a current director and Chief Operating & Technology Officer, as the new Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect. Mr. Ben Lin, formerly Chairman & CEO, will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced its unaudited consolidated revenue for October 2015 reached NT$318.5 million, representing a decrease of 8.9% month-over-month and 18.6% year-over-year, respectively. Aggregate revenue from January to October of 2015 was NT$2,839.2 million, down 27.4% from the same period last year.
The company expressed the decrease of October revenue reflected the situation that most STB manufacturing partners replenished inventory prior to the “Golden Week” holidays in China resulting in higher sales base of September. However, the company sees a long-term growth momentum and higher contribution from Pay-TV operator market.
In addition, the company also announced it will showcase a series of STB solutions targeting digitalization opportunities in Africa at TV Connect Africa 2015 which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from November 17 to 19.
Consolidated Sales Report, Oct 2015 (in NT$1,000)
Item | Oct 2015 | Sep 2015 | Difference | MoM |
Net Sales | 318,524 | 349,512 | (30,988) | (8.9%) |
Item | 2015 | 2014 | Difference | YoY |
Oct | 318,524 | 391,330 | (72,806) | (18.6%) |
Jan to Oct | 2,839,209 | 3,912,079 | (1,072,870) | (27.4%) |
Note: Figures have not been audited; consolidated entities include ALi Corporation and its subsidiaries.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced to webcast its third quarter 2015 earnings conference call on Thursday, Nov 12th at 14:00 (GMT+08:00) in Mandarin. Dr. Ben Lin, Chairman & CEO, and Cindy Chang, CFO & Spokesperson, will host the conference call to discuss the company’s financial results and answer questions from investors. A live webcast of the conference call will be available through the Investor Relations page on the ALi website. Analysts or media representatives wishing to ask questions may use the Live Webcast URL or dial the telephone numbers listed below.
● Live Webcast
It is highly recommended that participants install or upgrade the required software prior to the earnings conference and participants can find more details and technical support from this web page.
● Dial-in Numbers
TW: (02)2162-6306 or 0080-132-3235
HK: (852)2112-1888
CN: 4008-108-338 or 4006-786-766
AUS: (612)8223-9906 or 1-800-214-351
Other: (852)2112-1700
Password: 3200512#
Please find further information about the conference on the company's website Presentation material will be published after the conference call on MOPS & company website. For an audio recording of the conference call, please visit the URL after 4PM: Further questions regarding this conference call may be directed to our Investor Relations at +886-8752-2000. Thank you.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced its unaudited consolidated revenue for September 2015 reached NT$349.5 million, representing an increase of 2.5% month-over-month but a decrease of 36.4% year-over-year, respectively. Aggregate revenue from January to September of 2015 was NT$2,520.7 million, down 28.4% from the same period last year.
The company expressed the revenue increase in some STB products was due to continuous seasonal demand, along with inventory replenishment by STB manufacturing partners prior to the “Golden Week” holidays in China. Pay-TV operator segments of all the product lines showed strong growth momentum in emerging countries with higher product sales contribution as well.
The company’s share buyback program has come to an end and the number of buyback shares totaling 3.2 million shares accounts for 1.1% of the total issued shares of the company.
Consolidated Sales Report, Sep 2015 (in NT$1,000)
Item | Sep 2015 | Aug 2015 | Difference | MoM |
Net Sales | 349,512 | 340,889 | 8,623 | 2.5% |
Item | 2015 | 2014 | Difference | YoY |
Sep | 349,512 | 549,974 | (200,462) | (36.4%) |
Jan to Sep | 2,520,685 | 3,520,749 | (1,000,064) | (28.4%) |
Note: Figures have not been audited; consolidated entities include ALi Corporation and its subsidiaries.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced its unaudited consolidated revenue for August 2015 reached NT$340.9 million, representing an increase of 30.2% month-over-month but a decrease of 25.0% year-over-year, respectively. Aggregate revenue from January to August of 2015 was NT$2,171.2 million, down 26.9% from the same period last year.
The company expressed the revenue increase in most STB products was due to rising seasonal demand. Pay-TV products especially showed significant growth in their contribution to the sales numbers. Total monthly sales not only increased over 30% month-over-month but also was the second highest in this year so far.
The company also plans to introduce several new products and solutions such as SoCs supporting HEVC and STB with sound bar application, which will be showcased at IBC 2015 held from September 11 to 15 in Amsterdam. In addition, the company has joined GlobalPlatform to strengthen industry collaboration and enhance chipset security for protection of premium content.
Aug 2015
Jul 2015
Net Sales
Jan to Aug
Note: Figures have not been audited; consolidated entities include ALi Corporation and its subsidiaries.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced its unaudited consolidated revenue for July 2015 reached NT$261.9 million, representing an increase of 29.7% month-over-month but a decrease of 33.1% year-over-year, respectively. Aggregate revenue from January to July of 2015 was NT$1,830.3 million, down 27.3% from the same period last year.
The company expressed the nearly 30% monthly revenue rise in July was mainly due to increasing seasonal demand for most of the retail products.
In addition, the company also announced to pay a cash dividend of NT$0.79009641 per share (payment will be rounded to the nearest dollar) on August 27th, 2015 by either checks or wire remittances. For more information, please visit the information webpage on MOPS.
Jul 2015
Jun 2015
Net Sales
Jan to Jul
ALi Corporation (3041TT) today held its 2015 second quarter online earnings conference and announced consolidated revenue of NT$658 million, consolidated gross profit of NT$255 million with consolidated gross profit margin of 39%, consolidated operating loss of NT$168 million, net loss of NT$135 million, and basic earnings per share of -NT$0.46 for the second quarter ended June 30, 2015.
ALi Corporation stated that second quarter revenue decreased 28% quarter-over-quarter and 35% year-over-year. The decrease was mainly due to softening demand for retail products in most emerging markets, resulting in continuous inventory adjustment by some customers and channels, and Pay-TV operator demand also showed a slowdown. Consolidated gross profit margin was 39%, down 3 percentage points compared to the level of previous quarter due to decreasing product margin for certain segments and inventory provisions. Consolidated operating expenses increased 6% quarter-over-quarter, primarily for higher research and development (R&D) investments. Product segments categorized into retail STB, Pay-TV operator STB and others (Non-STB) accounted for 50~55%, 35~40% and 10~15% of the total consolidated revenue respectively.
ALi Corporation also announced the Board of Directors has decided to launch a share buyback program to repurchase a maximum of 4.55 million shares of common stock (approximately 1.5% of total shares issued) for the purpose of transferring shares to employees. The share buyback is expected to commence on July 31, 2015 and end on September 30, 2015 with a price range NT$10.1~NT$22.1.
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