扬智科技股份有限公司 (代号:3041) 拟于2013年8月13日(星期二)下午两点举行2013年第二季在线法人说明会,将由董事长兼总经理林申彬博士与财务长兼发言人张方欣主持,会中将报告本公司季度营运成果及答复在线与会者之提问。有意参加者,可透过因特网连结或拨打当地城市电话号码参加在线法人说明会。
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ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced the total consolidated revenue for February 2014 reached NT$ 286.7 million, representing a decrease of 35.1% MoM but an increase of 27.7% YoY. Aggregate revenue from January to February of 2014 was NT$728.7 million, up 25.6% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the month-over-month sales decrease of revenue in February mainly reflected the fewer working days and lower demand in some regions. The year-over-year sales increase up to 27.7% reflected strong growth momentum from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB as well as recent improvement in retail STB markets for high-definition products.
The company recently announced the partnership with Funai Electric Co., Ltd., a Japanese consumer electronics company, to deploy ATSC set-top box solutions targeting more opportunities in Mexican market arising from ASO (Analog Switch-off) to complete by 2015.
Feb 2014
Jan 2014
Net Sales
Jan to Feb
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced the total consolidated revenue for November 2013 reached NT$401.8 million, representing an increase of 3.3% MoM and 16.7% YoY. Aggregate revenue from January to November of 2013 was NT$3,665.5 million, down 22.1% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the increase of revenue in November mainly reflected the continuous growth in retail STB market in emerging countries from the third quarter, along with better sales from IP STB in this holiday shopping season. In addition, the year-over-year increase reflected the long-term growth momentum from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB.
Net Sales
Jan to Nov
ALi Corporation (3041TT) today held its 2013 third quarter online earnings conference and announced consolidated revenue of NT$1,059 million, consolidated gross profit of NT$441 million with consolidated gross profit margin of 42%, consolidated operating loss of NT$13 million, net loss of NT$44 million, and basic earnings per share of -NT$ 0.15 for the third quarter ended September 30th, 2013.
ALi Corporation stated that third quarter’s revenue of NT$1,059 million, representing an increase of 11% on a quarter-over-quarter basis, was mainly a result of ASO (Analog switch-off) being initiated in some emerging countries and the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan spurring the demand in retail market both for standard and high-definition products, along with the growth momentum in Pay-TV market in emerging countries in regions such as South East Asia and Africa. Although the third quarterly revenue of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the company has seen the growth momentum in Pay-TV market and retail IP STB. Consolidated gross profit margin was 42%, down 4 percentage points compared to the level of previous quarter due to product mix change and decreasing product margins for some segments. Consolidated operating expenses increased 12% quarter-over-quarter, primarily due to larger sales scale resulting in higher sales and administrative expenses, along with additional research and development (R&D) investments, hence causing the operation and bottom-line deficit.
As to the product line contribution in the third quarter, STB accounted for around 90~95% of the revenue. ALi’s STB end markets can be categorized into retail HD, retail SD, retail IP STB (OTT), and Pay-TV operators, which accounted for 35~40%, 30~35%, 5~10%, and 20~25% of STB revenue respectively.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced the total consolidated revenue for October 2013 reached NT$388.8 million, representing a decrease of 7.4% MoM and 8.0% YoY. Aggregate revenue from January to October of 2013 was NT$3,263.7 million, down 25.2% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the decrease of revenue reflected the situation that most STB manufacturing partners replenished inventory prior to the “Golden Week” holidays in China. However, the decline in October revenue is only moderate thanks to the steady growth in demand from retail market in emerging countries. Although the monthly revenue of October and the aggregate revenue from January to October of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the company has seen higher performance generated from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB and expects these two product segments to continuously fuel long-term growth momentum.
Net Sales
Jan to Oct
ALi Corporation. (3041 TT) today announced to webcast its third quarter 2013 earnings conference call on Monday, November 11th at 16:00 (GMT+08:00) in Mandarin. Dr. Ben Lin, Chairman & CEO, and Cindy Chang, CFO & Spokesperson, will host the conference call to discuss the company’s financial results and answer questions from investors.
A live webcast of the conference call will be available through the Investor Relations page on the ALi website. Analysts or media representatives wishing to ask questions may use the toll-free numbers listed below.
Event Details
Event Title: ALi Corp, 3Q13 Earnings Conference Call
Date: 2013-11-11 16:00 (GMT+08:00)
Language: Mandarin
Webcast URL: http://www.mzcan.com/cancast/taiwan/index.php?id=tw3041_21&version=e
Dial-In Numbers
International Access:+852 3027-5500
Please find further information about the conference on the Company's website www.alitech.com. Presentation material will be published after the conference call on MOPS & company website. For an audio recording of the conference call, please visit the URL after 6PM: http://www.mzcan.com/cancast/taiwan/index.php?id=tw3041_21&version=e. Further questions regarding this conference call may be directed to our Investor Relations at +886-8752-2000. Thank you.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced the total consolidated revenue for September 2013 reached NT$419.7 million, representing an increase of 18.6% MoM and a decrease of 23.8% YoY. Aggregate revenue from January to September of 2013 was NT$2,875.0 million, down 27.0% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the STB revenue registered a double-digit growth both for the last two months. The increasing sales reflected demand from STB manufacturing partners replenishing inventory prior to the “Golden Week” holidays in China; additionally, ASO (Analog switch-off) being initiated in some emerging countries and the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan spurred the demand in retail market both for standard and high-definition products. Although the monthly revenue of September and the aggregate revenue from January to September of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the company has seen higher performance generated from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB and expects these two product segments to continuously fuel long-term growth momentum.
In view of growing demands for content security, the company earlier announced the signing of a license agreement with Cryptography Research, Inc. (CRI) for use of their differential power analysis (DPA) countermeasure patents and technologies in ALi’s STB chipsets to ensure digital content is protected and securely deployed. In addition, the company also announced ALi’s family of STB chipsets are the world’s first chipsets to support the new Conax Cardless solution for STBs, indicating that the company’s efforts in providing innovative architecture and implementation of STB SoC for enhancing security capabilities have been recognized by partners.
Net Sales
Jan to Sep
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced the total consolidated revenue for August 2013 reached NT$354.0 million, representing an increase of 22.6% MoM and a similar level to last year. Aggregate revenue from January to August of 2013 was NT$2,455.3 million, down 27.5% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the STB revenue increased compared to previous month, mainly due to increasing demand in retail market both for standard and high-definition products; meanwhile, revenues from Pay-TV operator market in Southeast Asia also achieved good results; IP STB kept relatively stable performance. Although the aggregate revenue from January to Aug of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the company has seen higher performance generated from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB and expects these two product segments to continuously fuel long-term growth momentum.
The company also announced to showcase its STB chipsets including ISDB-T, Satellite, Cable, and T2 platforms at the IBC 2013, along with its product roadmap featuring solutions for multi-screen applications and gateways.
Net Sales
Jan to Aug
ALi Corporation (3041TT) today held its 2013 second quarter online earnings conference and announced consolidated revenue of NT$955 million, consolidated gross profit of NT$436 million with consolidated gross profit margin of 46%, consolidated operating profit of NT$32 million with consolidated operating profit margin of 3%, net income of NT$917 million, and basic earnings per share of NT$3.13 for the second quarter ended June 30th, 2013.
ALi Corporation stated that second quarter’s revenue of NT$955 million, representing an increase of 11% on a quarter-over-quarter basis, was mainly a result of higher demand from retail STB market, Pay-TV operator market in emerging countries, and continuous success of retail IP STB. The year-over-year sales decreased up to 26%, due to the higher quarterly sales base in 2012 retail market resulting from the ASO in Western Europe. Although the second quarterly revenue of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the company has seen the growth momentum in overall Pay-TV market and retail IP STB. Consolidated gross profit margin was 46%, up nearly 1 percentage point compared to the level of previous quarter. Consolidated operating expenses decreased 12% quarter-over-quarter, primarily due to careful cost control. The overall operation improved as consolidated operating profit turned profitable to NT$32 million with operating profit margin of 3%. The significant increase in net income was mainly due to the non-operating income generated by a one-time gain of nearly NT$900 million on the disposal of some floors of Nasa Building in the second quarter this year.
As to the product line contribution in the second quarter, STB accounted for around 90~95% of the revenue. ALi’s STB end markets can be categorized into retail HD, retail SD, retail IP STB (OTT), and Pay-TV operators, which accounted for 35~40%, 20~25%, 10~15%, and 25~30% of STB revenue respectively.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced the total consolidated revenue for July 2013 reached NT$288.9 million, representing an increase of 1.7% MoM and a decrease 8.4% YoY. Aggregate revenue from January to July of 2013 was NT$2,101.2 million, down 30.7% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the STB revenue increased compared to previous month, mainly due to increasing demand in retail market both for standard and high-definition products; meanwhile, revenues from Pay-TV operators market kept relatively stable. Although the monthly revenue of July and aggregate revenue from January to July of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the company has seen higher performance generated from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB and expects these two product segments to continuously fuel long-term growth momentum.
The company also declared to pay a cash dividend of NT$2.00 per share on August 27th, 2013 by either wire remittances or checks.
Net Sales
Jan to Jul
Note: Figures have not been audited; consolidated entities include ALi Corporation and its subsidiaries.
ALi Corporation. (3041 TT) today announced to webcast its second quarter 2013 earnings conference call on Tuesday, August 13th at 14:00 (GMT+08:00) in Mandarin. Dr. Ben Lin, Chairman & CEO, and Cindy Chang, CFO & Spokesperson, will host the conference call to discuss the company’s financial results and answer questions from investors.
A live webcast of the conference call will be available through the Investor Relations page on the ALi website. Analysts or media representatives wishing to ask questions may use the toll-free numbers listed below.
Event Details
Event Title: ALi Corp, 2Q13 Earnings Conference Call
Date: 2013-08-13 14:00 (GMT+08:00)
Language: Mandarin
Webcast URL: http://www.mzcan.com/cancast/taiwan/index.php?id=tw3041_20&version=e
Dial-In Numbers
TW: 008-011-36338
HK: 3027-5500
CN: 800-803-6103
UK: 0800-279-7785
US: 1-866-978-9970
International Access: +852 3027-5500
Password: 168005#
Please find further information about the conference on the Company's website www.alitech.com. Presentation material will be published after the conference call on MOPS & company website. For an audio recording of the conference call, please visit the URL after 4PM: http://www.mzcan.com/cancast/taiwan/index.php?id=tw3041_20&version=e.
Further questions regarding this conference call may be directed to our Investor Relations at +886-8752-2005.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced the total consolidated revenue for June 2013 reached NT$284.0 million, representing a decrease of 17.2% MoM and 30.2% YoY. Aggregate revenue from January to June of 2013 was NT$1,812.4 million, down 33.3% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the STB revenue decreased compared to previous month, but contribution from Pay-TV operators in China and emerging markets such as Southeast Asia and Africa increased; in addition, the percentage of revenue contribution from retail IP STB was better than first quarter. Although the monthly revenue of June and aggregate revenue from January to June of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the company has seen higher performance generated from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB and expects these two product segments to continuously fuel long-term growth momentum.
ALi Corporation’s shareholders approved a cash dividend of NT$2.00 per share at the shareholders' meeting on June 25th, 2013. The company will begin trading ex-dividend on July 31st, 2013 accordingly. For more information, please visit the information webpage on MOPS.
Consolidated Sales Report, Jun 2013 (in NT$1,000)
Item | Jun | May | Difference | MoM |
Net Sales | 284,013 | 342,898 | (58,885) | (17.2%) |
Item | 2013 | 2012 | Difference | YoY |
Jun | 284,013 | 406,901 | (122,888) | (30.2%) |
Jan to Jun | 1,812,382 | 2,717,025 | (904,643) | (33.3%) |
Note: Figures have not been audited; consolidated entities include ALi Corporation and its subsidiaries.
ALi Corporation (3041TT) today held its 2013 first quarter online earnings conference and announced consolidated revenue of NT$861 million, consolidated gross profit of NT$388 million with consolidated gross profit margin of 45%, consolidated operating loss of NT$69 million, net loss of NT$48 million, and basic earnings per share of -NT$0.16 for the first quarter ended March 31st, 2013.
ALi Corporation stated that first quarter’s revenue of NT$861 million, representing a 27% decrease on a quarter-over-quarter basis, was mainly a result of lower demand from retail STB market and fewer working days due to the Chinese Lunar New Year holidays. The year-over-year sales decreased up to 40%, due to higher quarterly sales base in 2012 resulting from the ASO in Western Europe. Although the first quarterly revenue of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the growth momentum in Pay-TV market in emerging countries in regions such as South Asia, Africa, and South East Asia continues, along with the continuous success of retail IP STB. The company has seen higher percentage of revenue contribution from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB and expects these two product segments to continuously fuel long-term growth momentum. Consolidated gross profit margin was 45%, similar to the level of previous quarter. Operating expenses increased 27% quarter-over-quarter, primarily due to higher research and development (R&D) expenses, hence causing the bottom-line deficit.
As to the product line contribution in the first quarter, STB accounted for around 90~95% of the revenue. ALi’s STB end markets can be categorized into retail HD, retail SD, retail IP STB (OTT), and Pay-TV operators, which accounted for 30~35%, 30~35%, 5~10%, and 25~30% of STB revenue respectively.
ALi Corporation also announced the Board of Directors has decided to propose to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 25 June 2013 the distribution of a cash dividend of NT$2.00 per share for resolution.
ALi Corporation (3041 TT) today announced the total consolidated revenue for April 2013 reached NT$327.0 million, representing an increase of 17.5% MoM and a decrease of 37.9% YoY. Aggregate revenue from January to April of 2013 was NT$1,185.5 million, down 39.3% from the same period last year.
The company expressed that the retail STB revenue from both retail high definition & standard definition was better than previous month. In addition, sales contribution from Pay-TV operators in emerging markets and retail IP STB increased as well. The year-over-year sales decrease was due to higher sales base in 2012 resulting from the ASO in Western Europe. Although the aggregate revenue from January to April of 2013 decreased year-over-year, the company has seen higher percentage of revenue contribution from Pay-TV operator market and IP STB and expects these two product segments to continuously fuel long-term growth momentum.
Consolidated Sales Report, Apr 2013 (in NT$1,000)
Item | Apr | Mar | Difference | MoM |
Net Sales | 327,025 | 278,281 | 48,744 | 17.5% |
Item | 2013 | 2012 | Difference | YoY |
Apr | 327,025 | 526,285 | (199,260) | (37.9%) |
Jan to Apr | 1,185,471 | 1,951,870 | (766,399) | (39.3%) |
Note: Figures have not been audited; consolidated entities include ALi Corporation and its subsidiaries.
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