2017 8月 18 星期五

Welcome to visit ALi booth at IBC 2017

IBC 2017
Sep. 15-19 2017, Amsterdam RAI

Join us for innovative digital entertainment

Dear Customers and Partners, ALi Corporation cordially invites you to join us for an amazing experience of ALi’s latest achievements in digital entertainment at IBC 2016 on September 9-13 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Visit us at our balcony suites BM19 & 20 (Hall 1, 2F) to see how ALi’s cost-effective and high-performance chipsets can assist you in launching innovative products and services with accelerated time-to-market.


See first-hand what ALi has to offer

We will showcase a full spectrum of STB chipsets with a focus on hybrid (DVB+IPTV) and UHD solutions. You will also be able to see live demonstrations of the value-added features enabled on ALi’s latest series of product offerings. ALi’s achievements with ecosystem partners that have been deployed worldwide will also be a highlight of our exhibits.

Reserve Meeting Slot
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